Healthunlocked – The social network for health

What is HealthUnlocked?

HealthUnlocked is a social network for health. By finding others with similar health backgrounds people can take on day to day health concerns together. And because our communities are set up by leading health organisations people have access to credible support.

HealthUnlocked has been built to get good support to the people who need it. Click the link below for access

A peer-to-peer support network

A peer-to-peer support network patients, caregivers and health advocates connect safely online with guidance from credible organizations and institutions. They talk about their experiences of conditions, symptoms, treatments, and health services. These are catalogued in an intelligent database which signposts relevant content to people based on their profile. 2.5 million experiences have been shared and many more are created every day.

Making a difference for patients

Almost 7 in 10 patients on HealthUnlocked had never spoken to another patient with the same condition before coming to our platform. 91% say using it has been useful or life changing. 87% feel more confident when speaking to professionals.

Supporting organisations

With over 500 patient advocacy organizations (PAG) on board HealthUnlocked is the biggest network for advocates in the world. It gives them a visible destination for anonymous and safe peer support. There is a guided program that gets PAGs up and running in a matter of days. Read more about HealthUnlocked communities

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