Annual Report 2020

The PPG met in the Gym at the Kentish Town Health Centre 5 times in 2019, and once in February 2020, before the coronavirus lockdown. In July 2020 the PPG meeting was held on-line, using Zoom, and this remained the case until February 2021 (4 meetings). Each meeting...

Annual Report 2019

The PPG met five times during 2018, welcomed new patients to the Thursday meetings and the email list, and undertook a number of different activities. Dr Natasha Smeaton, the link doctor between the Practice and the PPG, attended all meetings, and at the September...

Annual Report 2018

The PPG met five times during 2017, welcomed new patients to the Thursday meetings and the email list, and undertook a number of different activities. Thursday meetings were attended by the link doctor, Natasha Smeaton, and the practice manager, Loni Booker. Other...

Annual Report 2017

The PPG met regularly in 2016, with members participating in a number of different activities internal to the Practice as well as in Camden-wide events. External participation in activities A presentation on the newly launched Camden Integrated Digital Records (CIDR)...

Annual Report 2015

In January 2014 the PPG (consisting of patient members and practice representatives) developed and adopted new terms of reference, which outlined the objectives of the PPG, membership, and general rules about the running of meetings.  A new chair and deputy chair were...
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