The PPG met five times during 2018, welcomed new patients to the Thursday meetings and the email list, and undertook a number of different activities. Dr Natasha Smeaton, the link doctor between the Practice and the PPG, attended all meetings, and at the September meeting, when she handed over the role to Dr Dilini Kalupuhana, she was warmly thanked by PPG members for her support and interest in the PPG over the past three years.
During the year the Practice Manager, Loni Booker and the Associate Practice Manager, Siobhan Moriarty, also joined PPG meetings regularly. Between 10 – 15 patients participated in meetings, with agendas and minutes going out to an email list of about 100.
In July the PPG held its ‘Meet Your Practice’ evening in the gym. Dr Jonathan Levy, senior partner, made a short presentation of what the Practice had been doing over the past year, and people present asked a number of questions related to activities and events in the Practice, and also raised concerns over specific issues such as appointments. After the meeting refreshments were served in the garden.
PPG activities during 2018
- Meetings were held between the PPG and Reception staff. A new telephone system was introduced early in the year, which included, among other things, a message which told patients where they were in the waiting queue. Several patients expressed appreciation of this improvement.
- The new PPG at Queens Crescent Practice joined a James Wigg PPG meeting, and discussed the role of the PPG.
- Another focus of interest for the PPG was supporting carers in the practice. A number of discussions were held and a letter was sent out to the practice’s 80 registered carers, to see what sort of support might be helpful. Representatives from both Camden Carers and Age UK met with PPG members. Response from carers to the letter sent out was limited, but three carers attended one PPG meeting, and led a lively discussion on their different needs.
- Self help week 12-18 November. PPG members helped the Practice with this national initiative on self-care. They
- attended one of the sessions devoted to diabetes.
- set up a stand in the reception area, to answer any queries about the role of living wills.
- worked the reception queue. As a result of this action, one PPG member JudyHildebrand, volunteered to help with the reception queue on a regular basis.
- The PPG wrote two letters to the manager of the Kentish Town Health Centre, pointing out continuing patient confusion around signage, check-in, and where to go in the building. The matter remains to be satisfactorily addressed. The PPG also helped the Practice change the wording of letters going to patients who are registered at the Practice but who move or live outside the catchment area.