1. Welcome apologies & matters arising

Present: Hilary Calvert, Gill Walt, Kathy Graham-Harrison, Kirsten de Keyser, Ian Critchley, Veronica Brinton, Jonny Bucknell, Susanne Kord, Adriana Santos-Devila , Isky Gordon

Apologies: Donatella Soldi, Maria Constantinidou, Angela Mcrobbie, Stephen Yaxley, Tony Gardner-Medwin, Gudrun Sveinbjarnardottir, Jill Fraser, Mimi Colahan, Nori Graham.

Matters arising:  It was noted that Sarah Worboys’ presentation to the PPG at the last meeting was sent out with the minutes from that meeting, but had not been uploaded on the website. This will be corrected as soon as possible.


  1. New appointment system

Dr Olivia Twose presented the new appointment system @ James Wigg Practice. The aim is to allow more appointments and a smoother running of the practice. It will be introduced at the end of February.

  • eConsult and the telephone system will continue.
  • reception staff will ask a few more questions on the telephone, and a clinician will triage all the calls, dividing patients into urgent and routine
  • this system will increase efficiency by getting tests done (eg blood tests) before patients see a doctor. This will increase appointment availability
  • patients will be seen by the most appropriate clinician in the team (doctors, associate doctors, nurses, pharmacist, and other health professionals)

The slides attached at the end of these minutes summarise the new system.


  1. Communication and reviews

Sammy Benfares, the newly appointed communication and digital manager, outlined the plans for getting an increased presence for the Practice on the web and social media. He is leading on the formation of a strategy and media policy, which when completed, will be presented to the PPG.  There was a long discussion on the different forms of social media and how this applied to the Practice and patients. Google reviews were also discussed with doubts raised as to their validity. Action: Kathy Graham-Harrison will take this up with CPPEG, since the rating system affects all general practices. It was noted that patients are more likely to report negative than positive experiences. It was agreed that where patients have had a good experience they should write a google review.  Go to www.nhs.uk, put in ratings and reviews – James Wigg Group practice.


  1. Volunteer project starting in February

Volunteers will start again doing 3 mornings a week in February helping patients in the queue and waiting areas. There is an open invitation for others to join these volunteers.

  1. Changing the demographic of the PPG

It has long been recognized that the PPG does not include the voices of the very wide range of patients at JWPQCP.  Discussion on how to widen the representation on the PPG presented by Ian Critchley resulted in a few practical suggestions including the SKUNK technique.   It was also noted that as the volunteer scheme in reception develops, patients might be asked for their views, either by filling in a form, or answering a questionnaire.  Action: Gill to follow up with Ian Critchley and volunteers.


  1. Queens Crescent

The final merger between JWP and Queens Crescent has been delayed for bureaucratic reasons such as space, type of GP contracts and others.  Once these issues have been decided, there will be a clear consultation and communication process with patients.


  1. Feedback from CPPEG.

Kathy Graham-Harrison reported that

  • Although the 5 boroughs (Enfield, Haringey, Barnet, Islington and Camden) have been amalgamated into one, North Central London Clinical Commissioning Group (NCLCCG), most of the boroughs have kept their own public engagement forums going. Kathy, Gill and Kirsten represent the PPG on Camden’s public engagement forum – CPPEG.
  • Webinar today on Vaccines @ 5pm with another run by Health Watch Camden on 10th Feb from 5 – 7 pm. These are open to anyone wanting to join. Contact [email protected] for details.
  • NHS England have paused the requirement for GPs to undertake minor surgery and routine follow up of +75yr olds. Sarah assured PPG the over 75 year olds with chronic conditions will continue to be followed up.  Although the Practice could undertake minor surgery, the funding has not been made available. All minor surgery in Camden is undertaken by one general practice in Swiss Cottage.
  • AGE UK Camden gave an impressive presentation on its activities in Camden during the pandemic. Sarah mentioned that an Age UK navigator is attached to the practice, and fulfils a very useful and appreciated role in assisting patients.


  1. Feedback from the Practice

Sarah Worboys gave feedback from the Practice:

  • There is no social prescriber at the moment, although one of the reception team is being trained to take on some of the tasks.
  • The practice experienced severe staff shortage due to Covid and self-isolation during December and early January, but it looks as if things are improving
    • eConsult forms were stopped during this period, but are now back up.  Action: Sammy – the website needs to reflect this change.
  • A CQC telephone inspection exonerated the practice from a patient complaint.
  • Dr Phil Posner is back from sabbatical leave, and Emily Histed is back from maternity leave
  • Two GPs are leaving the practice, but remaining in general practice. The recruitment process for replacements is going well, with several good applicants.

Information on where to get vaccinations is available from:  https://northcentrallondonccg.nhs.uk/my-health/covid-19/walk-in-vaccination-clinics/

Next Meeting will be Thursday March 24th March




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