Sarah McDonagh was welcomed as taking over from Siobhan Moriarty as the new operations link between the Practice and the PPG. Siobhan was thanked warmly for her enthusiastic support to the PPG. Dilini Kalupuhana continues as the GP link to the PPG.
Patients: Gill Walt (Chair), Mimi Colahan (Vice Chair), Gordon Meen, Kirsten de Keyser, Isky Gordon, Ian Critchley, Pat Banks, Nori Graham, Marjorie Gordon-box, Jill Harbord, Judy Hildebrand, Judy Sands, Mannor Wong
Staff: Siobhan Moriarty, Sarah McDonagh, Dilini Kalupahana, Antonia Atwood (Free Space).
APOLOGIES: Veronica Brinton, Jonny Bucknall, Robert Graham Harrison, Kathy Graham Harrison.
- The minutes from the last meeting were accepted.
The consultation on orthopaedic services in north London was introduced, with surgery in the future focused on two hospitals: UCLH and Chase Farm. A copy of the consultation document was taken by one of the PPG members, and people were encouraged to express their views on the plan.
Camden’s initiative to encourage people to lead health walks from the Practice was shared. Anyone interested in leading a walk on a regular basis should contact Steph Smith 7974 4413.
The dementia training for reception staff delivered by Nori Graham in January was highly appreciated. The staff and volunteers who attended found the session very interesting and helpful, and are wearing their dementia friends’ badges. It was agreed to run a similar session again within the year.
Discussion took place on the agreed meeting to be held on Thursday March 26th on Understanding Dementia, for the wider community. The gym is booked for the meeting, from 2-4pm, and tea and biscuits will be available for those attending.
A number of ways of reaching those who might be interested was discussed, for example:
- The practice has a list of ‘frail patients’;
- Queue workers could hand out leaflets;
- Posters could advertise the meeting;
- The meeting could be advertised on the reception screens;
The wording for advertising the meeting was discussed and it was agreed to ask people who were interested in attending to register their interest. Leaflets would be printed by the Practice, and handed out to patients in the queue by volunteers, advertised on the screens, and a poster would be put in the glass cases by doors. Action: Gill & Sarah and queue volunteers
Antonia Atwood reported on the activities provided by FreeSpace, which is an Arts and Health Charity, and offers a huge variety of projects at the Kentish Town Health Centre.
- See the website and leaflets on table in reception area (www. freespaceproject.org).
- Next art exhibition opens on 19th March, and concert on 20th March.
Pets As Therapy (Ian Critchley)
Ian has a Jack Russell who he takes into hospitals for patients to interact with. This is particularly popular with children and Dementia sufferers. Both Ian and his dog have been trained and have all the necessary certificates, copies of which he will send to Sarah.
He has offered this service to the James Wigg Practice and it will be discussed with the partners.
Wellbeing Garden
Marjorie Gordon Box has volunteered to work in the garden, alongside Ian and others.
- An information sheet is available for new volunteers;
- The issue of patients being informed when their doctors are running late was discussed, and given the complexity of the issue, it was decided to set up a small working group to see what actions might be taken: Sarah, Kirsten, Jill and Gill to meet. Action: Gill;
- Students from the Royal Free are volunteering to help manage the queue in the afternoons;
- The social prescriber, Sharon, to be approached on ways of attracting more volunteers. Action: Gill and Judy H.
Management Structure Changes
Dr Smeaton is leaving, but a new partner is to be appointed within next week. Siobhan is leaving, and there will be no more practice manager but specialised managers:
- Finance
- Admin
- HR
- Reception
- Operations (Sarah McDonagh)
The Practice will be managed by partners working closely with the management team
Flu Fighters
The Practice achieved the target of 70% uptake for the over 75s. There was a big demand to start with, tailing off in December. Again, there were supply issues.
Christmas BazaarThis was held for the first time in 2019, and it was agreed that if it is repeated, more attention needs to be paid to advertising the event.
8. AOB
Pharmacist’s Project
Posters to go up, and leaflets to be available, in order to encourage patients to go to the pharmacy for certain complaints (eg colds, coughs) rather than seek GP appointments.
Thursday 21 May 2 – 3.30pm.