Patients: Gill Walt (Chair), Mimi Colahan (Vice Chair), Philippa Fraser, Isky Gordon, Penrose Robertson, Adam Leys

Practice: Natasha Smeaton, Loni Booker, Asif Dewan


Patients: Sylvie Mc Ginnis, Kathy Graham-Harrison, Veronica Brinton, John Bevan, Penny Gamez, Gordon Meen, Frances Rifkin,

Practice: Philip Posner


The previous minutes (also posted on the PPG page of the website) were accepted as a true record of the previous meeting.


  • PPG member Kathy Graham-Harrison was elected to the CCG earlier in the year. As she was unable to attend this PPG, she sent a brief report of a couple of meetings she had attended. One of the points of interest was the mixed feelings about the Friends and Family test, which some PPG members have criticised. Loni Booker provided some data from the test for the James Wigg Practice, which indicated overwhelming support for, and satisfaction with the Practice. In the discussion following opinions were mixed: it was encouraging to have positive feedback, but collection and monitoring data was an opportunity cost.
  • It was agreed that the PPG leaflet will be distributed during PPG awareness week (6 – 11 June). A list of volunteers is being set up. They will be handed out at the 2 entrances, and by the Health Care Assistant at the HUB.Action: Mimi Colahan, Loni Booker (and HCA at Hub)


  • Results from the pilot were positive. It was agreed to follow up by collecting data from exit interviews on a Tuesday and Thursday in the week beginning 4at the end of June/beginning July. Those who have indicated interest, and the wider email list will be approached to see who is available to help that week.Action: Gill Walt
  • There was prolonged discussion on the number of DNAs (people who do not attend or cancel their appointments). Looking at average figures for doctors and nurses, it seems the DNAs fluctuate, but the % is not higher than the national norm and for January, February, March and April 2016 were probably lower. These were between 6.2 and 7% DNAs out of total appointments made per month.
  • Reminders are sent out to those mobile phone numbers the Practice has. It was agreed that Reception staff will be reminded to ask for, or check, patients’ mobile numbers (for reminder texting).Action: Asif Dewan & Loni Booker
  • The new TV screens will carry a message reminding patients to let Practice know if they are unable to attend.


The PPG will be observing Reception staff, and feeding back at one of their training days – 27th October 2016. PPG volunteers should approach Gill or Mimi about taking part.

Asif Dewan suggested that the following points could be observed:

  • Do reception staff give their name when they answer the phone?
  • Do reception staff make eye contact at the front desk?
  • Do they ever apologise if the queue is long?
  • Do they smile?
  • Do they speak clearly?
  • Is the wheelchair accessible terminal always staffed?
  • Are patients recommended electronic prescribing when picking up a prescription?
  • Are patients reminded that a medication review, flu jab, shingles vaccine, diabetes review, annual health check, blood pressure check is due and they can be offered an appointment?
  • Do reception staff check telephone mobile and/or landline when phoning or attending front desk?

Patients were also requested to take note of their own experiences with Reception when making appointments.


Advance Decision month will be promoted in the Practice during October, at the same time as flu vaccines commence. The Cancer Support Group is also doing a session on Living Wills at their next group meeting. Action: Gill to write to Isky and Penny to invite them to work with Loni Booker on this.


Patients can access their medication history, and make appointments on line, but if they wish to see their medical records, there is more security. They first have to make an appointment at the surgery where they complete a form with a member of staff, and have to produce 2 pieces of identity.

It was agreed that we do not need to fill in the survey form sent out by NHS England, as all the information is digitalised and they can obtain the answers themselves.


Those present were invited to join a CCG patient reference group, the first meeting being June 9th. The email list will be circulated. Action: Mimi Colahan.

Please look at the following website for more details


  • Annual complaints have gone down (from 34 in 2013 to 13 in 2015). It was observed that, given the number of patients the James Wigg Practice has – over 26,000 – this was a tiny percentage..
  • The Newsletter is nearly ready, and should be disseminated in the next month.


  • One patient, unable to attend the meeting, felt that it takes too long for a named doctor to return a call. In non-urgent cases, calls are supposed to be returned within 48hrs. It was explained that calling back within a short time can be problematic – for example, if doctors are not full time, or have heavy clinical loads on the day. If a call is urgent, it is always possible to speak to the duty doctor who will call back within hours.
  • 4Trees Surgery has now been taken over, and is housed within the Queen’s Crescent Practice. It was suggested that, if funding that has been applied for comes through, PPG members might help with the integration of patients, given that there is no PPG.Asif Dewan to keep the PPG informed.


Tuesday 26th July 2016, from 18.00 to 19.30. The dates for all the meetings for the year are on the website.

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