Present: Gill Walt (chair), Pat Banks, Veronica Brinton, Jonny Bucknoll, Becky Driscoll (Camden CCG), Philippa Fraser, Mike Fried, Kathy Graham-Harrison, Isky Gordon, A Grollo, Millie Kieve, Peter Lyons, Gordon Meen, Tracey Morgan, Penrose Robertson, Judy Sands. From the Practice: Loni Booker, Philip Posner, Natasha Smeaton, Natasha Warner.
Apologies were received from: Mimi Colahan, Penny Gamez, Olanrenaju Gold, Adam Leys, Donatella Soldi.
Minutes and matters arising
All actions from the preceding meeting were on the agenda, except for the item on STPs (Sustainability and Transformation Plans). The Chair said that a letter from the PPG had not gone out, given the considerable public discourse on the matter. The full North Central London STP draft and a summary are available on the Camden Website, and comments can be sent to [email protected]. Voluntary Action Camden (VAC) have summarised the latest links:
Items discussed
- Dr Daniel Davis, geriatrician & epidemiologist from UCL presented the research study, NHS LINKAGE, which is recruiting patients from the Practice. He gave a brief description of the study, focusing on elderly people who are admitted to hospital, in order to understand why some show significant deterioration following discharge. The cohort will cover those over 70 years old, from all social groups.
- Presentation by Physician Associate, Natasha Warner. Natasha is one of two physician associates who have recently joined the Practice. She described the intensive training these professionals have, and how they work as collaborative healthcare professionals with a generalist medical education. There was a full discussion about their role and activities.
- Becky Driscoll from Camden’s CCG presented details of the function of CPPEG, set up to encourage patient and public engagement. She spoke about 2 current vacancies on CPPEG and encouraged PPG members to think about self-nomination, which can be done on-line. The deadline is 28 Feb 2017. The commitment is two meetings per month, plus some time on a sub-committee. It was suggested that being a member of CPPEG takes about 3 – 4 half days per month, and that CPPEG members are important links to the PPG.
It was also noted that NHS England (London) is running free, on-line training courses for PPG members, as well as full day training courses. Details will be circulated.
Kathy Graham-Harrison (current CPPEG representative) reported back that at the last open meeting the agenda focused on mental health, with excellent presentations and encouraged PPG members to attend the open meetings which are held on Mondays. The dates are generally circulated to the PPG email list.
- PPG volunteers did a study on patient satisfaction. A full report was attached with the agenda and is on the PPG website. Volunteers made some useful observations which resulted in a good discussion.
- Volunteers at reception. Despite promoting this in different ways there were no responses. A PPG member suggested approaching local schools to see if there might be volunteer opportunities as part of work experience, or young adults leaving school might be interested. To be further discussed. Another meeting with Reception staff will be held in a few month’ time.
- CQC review. Philip Posner provided feedback on the report. The Practice was classed as good both overall as well as in all sub-groups. It is likely that the ratings system will change in the future. The full report is available on the CQC website.
- Natasha Smeaton opened the discussion on clinical pharmacists and patients with long term conditions. A proposal has been made that the James Wigg Practice joins a small group of GP practices to share a clinical pharmacist. This topic was not discussed due to time constraints, and will come to the next PPG meeting (top of agenda).
Next meeting will be on Thursday 11th May at 6 – 7.30pm