PRESENT:  Patients:  Pat Banks, Jonny Bucknell, Andrea Dahlerg, Tony Gardner-Medwin, Danya Glaser, Isky Gordon, Kathy Graham-Harrison, Patricia Langton, Jane Mays, Tamar Posner, Gill Walt, Manor Wong; Practice: Farha Uddin, Sarah Worboys, Stephen Yaxley

APOLOGIES:  Mimi Colahan, Nori Graham, Gill Scott

MATTERS ARISING: Gill Scott, on behalf of the PPG, has been exploring issues around signage. She has a picture report and would like to feedback to those interested what she has identified as problems and suggest some solutions.  A meeting will be arranged in the new year.

  1. Process for nominating Chair and Vice Chair

The terms of reference for the PPG suggest an annual process of choosing Chair and Vice Chair.  The pandemic interrupted this process.  A call is being made to all PPG members to nominate or self-nominate two people to take on the role of Chair and Vice chair.  Nominations will be decided at the next PPG meeting in February.  A note will be sent out to everyone reminding them before the next meeting.

The Chair stated that these roles are not hugely time consuming (there is flexibility in defining what each person does) and both Gill and Mimi, as current Chair and Vice-chair have found them rewarding.  They will support newcomers to the roles and will be happy to negotiate starting dates. They are also willing to be contacted by anyone interested in knowing more about the PPG and the roles of Chair and Vice Chair before the meeting.  The Terms of Reference for the PPG are available on the participation page of the James Wigg website.

The Chair and Vice Chair were thanked for their hard work and it was noted how well the PPG functioned.

  1. Dementia Carers’ Support Group

The PPG has suggested initiating a support group for people who are caring for others with dementia.  The Practice is enthusiastic for this to go ahead.  GPs will try to identify carers and signpost them to the first meeting, and PPG members are invited to mention the meeting to any JW/QC patient who is a carer of someone with dementia.  The first meeting will be held on 25th January at 2pm in the Gym.    The aim of this first get together is to see if there are any people who are interested in being part of a support group, which is likely to start small and develop organically.

  1. Report on volunteers meeting with Pal Bhambra

Seven volunteers met with Pal, Farha and Cansu from the Practice to discuss ways of improving communication between them.

Among the ideas agreed was that there would be a box at reception for patients to drop letters, rather than having to queue to hand in a letter; that a weekly or two-weekly email or text from volunteers to Cansu would enumerate any current issues; that the form and any sample bottles needed by patients would be provided during appointments, to avoid patients queueing up again.

It was noted that the need for the Food Bank which runs on Wednesdays between 10 and 12 am is increasing, and that larger numbers of people are appearing at the KTHC. An extra volunteer to help with the volume of people would be helpful. PPG members were asked to approach Farha to say if they were able to help out, probably starting around 9 am, because people are beginning to queue an hour before the Food Bank opens.

There was a short discussion on the cost of living crisis which is affecting people’s lives and their having to resort to Food Banks.

  1. Changing role of General Practice

Drs Worboys and Yaxley gave an excellent and informative presentation on how general practice has changed over the last few years, and what this has meant for the pressures on staff at JW/QC. The presentation is available on the website. The presentation led to an interesting discussion and was much appreciated.

  1. Feedback from Queens Crescent

There is a new senior pharmacist at QC 4 days per week, assisting with medication issues and audit. He joins a permanent administrative and clinical team at the Practice. One PPG member gave very positive feedback on how well the Practice works.

  1. Feedback from CQC

The Care Quality Commission inspected the Practice in October, and its report was published this week. The Practice was given a rating of ‘Good’ in all five domains, which is an excellent result. The report is available to read on the CQC website.

The next meeting will be Thursday 29 February, 2024 from 2-3.30.

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